Zevin Asset Management

Pioneers in Socially Responsible Investing

Our employee-owned firm has been built in order to perpetuate the unique investment and social investing approaches pioneered by Robert Zevin over the last four decades. Our growth has mainly been driven by client referrals which have kept us from being a large, bureaucratic organization of overly specialized people with slow, unimaginative responses to financial markets and client needs. We strive to preserve the flexibility and open mindedness that is essential to good investing and responsiveness to clients. Our firm is also differentiated by a depth of sincerity of commitment by its employee owners to social change causes.

Our business values include doing things collaboratively as much as possible and having everyone understand and participate in as many different aspects of our work as possible. We think that this improves our performance and gives all of us more pleasure and satisfaction in our work. Our investment discussions integrate the disciplines of economics, politics, financial analysis, and sustainability. This unique process highlights the interaction of the differently focused decision makers and is a key aspect in bringing together themes of sustainability with investing.

We recently became a certified B Corporation to demonstrate to our clients and the companies in our portfolios that we are dedicated to our mission and “practice what we preach” regarding environmental, social and governance responsibility.




(617) 742-6666