KBI Global Investors

Global Equity and Natural Resource Strategies Investing Specialists

KBI Global Investors Ltd is an institutional asset manager headquartered in Dublin, Ireland with a sales office in Boston. KBI Global Investors was formed in 1980 and therefore has been managing assets for institutional clients for over 35 years. Throughout this period we have managed some form of global long only equities. We have evolved from a manager of predominately domestic balanced mandates to an international specialist boutique with a focus on institutional and sub advisory relationships. We have a global client base managing mandates in the UK, Europe, North America and Asia.

Our objective is to enhance performance and meet our clients' investment expectations by combining specialisation and innovation. We have particular expertise in total return investing and natural resource investing.

Our total return approach emphasises the importance of dividend yield and dividend growth as well as price increases. We employ a diversified approach, investing in all industries all regions and all capitalisations. This strategy has consistently outperformed the MSCI World Index since its 2003 launch, with less risk and volatility.

Our primary goal is to offer differentiated and innovative investment strategies which enable investors to generate consistent alpha with less risk. To this end, we were the first manager to develop a diversified (all industries and regions) global equity strategy using a total return based methodology. Furthermore, our business is guided by a principle which centres on being first to market with value-adding investment themes of the future, a case in point being the launch of our specialist Natural Resource strategies in 2000. We expect the key investment drivers over the next 20 years to include the world's changing demographic profile, scarce natural resources, and sustained pressure for lower carbon economies. We were one of the first investment firms globally to launch separate Water and Energy Solutions funds, a product line-up that now includes Agribusiness and Global Resource Solutions.